Sunday 2 September 2018

What Is Remarketing?

What Is Remarketing?

Google AdWords remarketing is a form of online advertising that allows sites to display ads 
targeted to users who have already visited your site. Previous visitors will see these ads as
 they browse the web, watch YouTube videos or read news sites, for example, keeping their 
brand in the foreground and attracting visitors to come back for more.
Remarketing -PPC Training in Chandigarh

How remarketing works
Remarketing, also known as reorientation, can dramatically increase your conversion rates 
and return on investment. This is because previous site visitors who are already familiar 
with your brand are much more likely to become customers or complete other valuable 
actions on your site.

How Does Google Remarketing Work?

If you're already advertising on Google, all you need to do is add a portion of Google's 
remarketing code, also known as a tag or pixel, to your website so that visitors can be added 
to your remarketing audiences through cookies. of the browser. You can customize the 
code of different pages so that they correspond to more defined categories.
For example, suppose you operate an e-commerce business that sells kitchen supplies. 
You can create a "toaster" remarketing audience based on people who visit the pages 
on your site where you sell toasters. In this way, you can show these specific visitors 
highly targeted advertising that promotes their toasters. You already know that they 
are in the market for toasters, and now you can withdraw them, perhaps with a 
special offer like "free shipping".

Why Remarket? The Advantages of Google Ad


Google's ad redirect is a powerful online marketing technique because it allows you to 
stay connected with your target audience, even after they leave your site.
By presenting your remarketing banner ads to visitors as they browse other parts of the 
web, they are gaining brand exposure and are becoming more recognizable to their target 
audience, which increases their confidence and makes them more likely to buy from you 
with PPC Training in Chandigarh.
Remarketing ads have much higher click through rates and conversions than typical display ads:

Remarketing audiences have 2-3x ad CTR
As you can see, previous visitors to the site will click on your ads at a speed 2-3 times
 higher than that of new visitors.
In addition, the effectiveness of Google's remarketing ads only increases with more impressions,
 and the fatigue of the ads is much lower compared to other image ads:

You'll see even better conversion rates when you start combining remarketing campaigns 
with additional targeting methods, such as demographic targeting.
However, keep in mind that users have the option to opt out of seeing their reorientation 
ads by adjusting their settings according to the AdChoices program.

How Much Does Google Re-marketing Cost?

Your Google remarketing costs will vary based on how your campaigns fit into your overall
 online marketing strategy. However, in general, Google's remarketing ads are some of 
the most profitable advertising campaigns available to online advertisers.

The costs of remarketing ads are very low depending on the click
Search ads in super competitive industries can cost several dollars or more per click, and
 that's just the average . Conversely, clicks on remarketing and display ads can cost 2 to
 100 times less.
To keep costs down, use Google remarketing in combination with contextual targeting, 
conversion filtering, frequency cap, and other cost-saving strategies. This will allow you to 
create highly targeted remarketing campaigns and increase your advertising relevance, 
showing most of your ads to people most likely to click and convert.

Learn Remarketing concept through PPC Training in Chandigarh.


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